Personal Space
I have a major pet peeve about people invading my personal space. The best (or worst) example of this is on the bus. It's a given that everybody is crammed in like sardines, but some just feel like they are holier-than-thou and deserve just a bit more. Coming home from school at about 10:30 last night was such an occasion. I was sitting next to some guy who had his legs wide open, taking up like one and a half seats. Of course, I figured when I would sit down that he'd move over a bit. No way! I basically spent the entire ride with my crotch in a knot and with this guy's leg rubbing up against me.
It seems to me that there is a common trend of ignorance in society. People are simply not aware of their surroundings. I would prefer to think that this guy wasn't purposely trying to do this, unless he was a real arrogant fuck. Either way, let's say that he just wasn't aware of the discomfort it was causing me. People are so self-centered that they don't understand how their actions affect others around them. So, we have this scenario of Joe Blow here with lots of crotch breathing room, his leg slowly rubbing against mine. I, on the other hand, am sitting there about to explode with anger and hit the guy because my balls are about to curl up and die. Ah, if I was Larry David, I'd just start a huge argument and it would be a lot of fun.
Thats what I like to call the rugged individualism of modern day capitalist society...funny you post on this because it actually happened to me just yesterday, and not only that but this idiot had his headphones with really bad R&B playing.
"Bad R&B" is a really funny comment to me. Obviously, because I'm personally biased, but I just don't know of any other kind of R&B. ;)
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