Religion in Canada
I was shocked at a few facts that I found out while looking at some data from the 2001 census. I was doing some research for my project on gentrification and urban sprawl in Montreal when I stumbled on these religion numbers. Of course, being the curious person that I am, I couldn't help but make a few calculations. Here are a few facts of interest.
-17% of Canadians declared themselves to be "non religious" in 2001, which is either atheist, agnostic or some variant of those
-This group was the 2nd largest single group after Roman Catholics, which had 43% of the population.
-Atheists rose by 43% in ten years, the only other groups to increase quicker were religious minority groups such as muslims, due to the influx of immigrants to the country
Here's where it gets really interesting. I had always made the assumption that Quebec would have a rather large percentage of atheists compared to the rest of Canada. I assumed that the Quiet Revolution had changed the religious landscape so much that it would be reflected in the data. Wrong. In Quebec, only 6% of people declared themselves to be either atheist or agnostic. While rural communities are certainly a factor in this data, the majority of the province's population is concentrated to a few large cities, where I would have assumed a large percentage of people to have been affected by Quebec's secularism and relatively liberal values. For reference, 84% of the population declared themselves to be Roman Catholics. Even Alberta has a higher percentage of atheists, at 23%, above the national average.
The real shocker for me was looking at British Columbia's results. Atheists and agnostics actually make up a plurality of the population with 35%, far above the national average. In contrast, Roman Catholics are at 17.2%. That's it, I'm moving out to BC!
Very true...Both Quebec's rural and urban populace still cling moderately to roman-catholicism, it just comes to show you the deep stigma it left on the whole of Quebec society for generations even after the quiet revolution. We have clerical fascist Maurice Duplessis to thank for that! And the seniors here are quite possibly some of the most devout catholics through out Canada. Thats due to the indoctrination process these seniors went through during the age of religious schools in this province. My mom even has memories of being taught about hell and fiery brimstone for fucks sake! Sadly these seniors passed on the virus of religion to their children...and their childrens children and...okay you get my point!
Which is why we must cut off their balls so they cannot contaminate the rest of the world. Sorry... I couldn't resist a Full Metal Jacket quote.
portelance rofl :)
Hm... 84%... sounds roughly exagerated... and rings very off tune to the ear of an agnostic-satanist :)
Are you sure these statistics are correct? For sure it does not reflect Montreal's situation.
Yes, the data is accurate. This is the census, after all. It's not a survey.
For reference, the data for Montreal shows that
75% are Roman Catholics
8% are non-religious (agnostic, humanist, atheist)
Not a big difference from the Quebec average, which means that Montrealers are basically in line with rural communities.
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